Canine Companions for Independence DogFest Walk ‘n Roll

One of our employees is such an avid supporter of our friends at Canine Companions for Independence that she raised over $1,000 for their DogFest Walk ‘n Roll last Saturday. She met many Canine Companions (including one still in training!) and even had the closest estimate of the quantity of dog treats in a jar and won the whole jar for her personal dogs!

Founded in 1975, Canine Companions for Independence® is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships. For more information on their organization and the DogFest Walk ‘n Roll event, visit their website at

Project Spotlight – OSU Schumaker Student-Athlete Development Center

The 108,000 square foot Schumaker Student-Athlete Development Complex will provide a state-of-the-art facility for the nutritional, physical, and psychological development of student-athletes on 33 teams at Ohio State. Over 800 student-athletes will lift, condition, train, and rehabilitate injuries in the complex, while also benefiting from nutritional and mental preparation for peak performance.

This new facility will be the training “hub” for 33 Olympic sport teams. It will be located in the heart of the Athletic District and connected to the iconic Woody Hayes Athletic Center at the Les Wexner Football Complex.

Onsite, our team is currently finalizing the steel and deck erection with framing to follow. The MEP trades are underway and blockwork continues.

Click the link below to view the Athletic District time-lapse camera to see the construction progression for yourself!

Support Our Troops!

Ruscilli’s Community Involvement Committee recently completed a drive to collect ‘most needed items’ to be sent to our troops serving overseas!

We collected (1560) Slim Jim Sticks, (630) Packs of Fruit Snacks, (614) Packs of Crackers, (227) Razors, (117) Packs of Tuna w/crackers, (48) Deodorants, (29) Packs of peanuts, and (23) Hand Sanitizers!

We partnered with an organization called Operation Buckeye. Operation Buckeye was formed with the sole purpose of sending boxes to our troops as a way to thank them for their efforts and to bring a touch of home to them. The boxes sent contain food and snacks, personal hygiene items, reading materials, and good wishes of love and support.

Operation Buckeye provides caring civilians the opportunity to show their appreciation and respect to the men and women of our military stationed in hostile and remote regions of the world. To learn more, you can visit:



Construction Plans Approved!

Ruscilli is thrilled to be apart of University of Findlay’s team to construct their new Center for Student Life and College of Business. Click the link below to read more about this exciting construction project!

New Center for Student Life and College of Business

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Columbus 2020 Partner Profile

Follow the link below to read Lou Ruscilli’s interview for the Columbus 2020 Partner Profile from the October 2015 issue of Columbus CEO!

Ruscilli-Columbus 2020 Partner Profile



Senior Living Renovation Earns LEED Gold Rating!

Exciting News!!

Exciting News! We have finalized the location for our temporary office. Starting Monday, August 31, our new home will be at:

5000 Arlington Centre Blvd, Suite 300, Columbus, OH 43221

Ruscilli will occupy a portion of the 3rd floor of 5000 Arlington Centre, previously the CompuServe building, and now owned by Tree of Life Christian Ministries.

5000 Arlington Centre Blvd

Greenville Technologies Grand Opening!

Ruscilli is proud to celebrate the grand opening of Greenville Technologies, Inc. in Marysville, Ohio!

Greenville Technologies serves as the Moriroku Technology North America Headquarters and R&D Center, providing design and development for their four North American production facilities.

Greenville Technologies Grand Opening